
Turkish Ambassador formalises relationship with Point

Jul 5, 2024, 10:34 AM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

In an effort to build cordial relationship and formalise partnership with the media, the Turkish Ambassador to The Gambia yesterday held a cordial meeting with The  Point newspaper management and editorial team.

The Ambassador's visit was meant to familiarise and discuss bilateral cooperation, issues  surrounding the media and  challenges of The Point newspaper.

In his remarks, Ambassador F. Turker, OBA said: “The main purpose  of  the  visit is to understand the challenges of the media  in The Gambia and also to exchange public interest issues between Turkey and The  Gambia.”

He emphasised continuous collaboration and cooperation with The Point newspaper. 

The Point newspaper co-publisher and Director Pap Saine expressed his heartfelt gratitude on  receiving the Ambassador to his offices to discuss media relations and cooperation.

Since media plays a key role in national and international development, meetings like this are necessary to discuss pertinent bilateral national issues and highlight challenges of the media, as well as to develop sustainable relationship with the ambassador, his office and the media for mutual support.”