
PURA serves Notice of Intent to revoke 20 FM licences

Jul 5, 2024, 10:37 AM

Twenty FM broadcasters are in danger of being closed down for violating the conditions of their licenses. They have therefore been served a notice of intent to regulate their licenses by the broadcasting regulator, PURA (Public Utilities Regulatory Authority).

In a letter addressed to all 20 stations PURA called and notified them that they were “providing broadcasting services in The Gambia without a valid licence or authorisation as required by the applicable regulatory regime.”

The conclusion was reached after a monitoring exercise the regulator said it conducted from January 30th to February 15th, 2024. “By this notice of intent to revoke your license you are invited to submit a fresh application for renewal on or before the 10th of July 2024, failing of which the Authority hereby notifies you of its intention to recommend to the Minister the revocation of your broadcasting service license for failure to renew your license and operating under an expired license if you fail to apply within this timeline,” PURA said.