Faal voiced this in a press briefing and at various places where he and his team have held rallies and meetings.
“This is an election that is already being rigged before our very eyes. Whether they would succeed in rigging it completely? “I don’t know, because the mood in the country is that they want change.”
Everywhere we went people are chanting: “Agindi. Agindi. Ay gii. Ay gii,” which speaks volume about their expected outcomes in this election and what are their aspirations. That is why there is so much panic in the incumbent camp, which is pushing them to play all these nasty tricks.”
“If they were so confident that they would win, they would not have been involved in such dirty tricks. Imagine us being followed by a marabout doing all sorts of nonsense just to try to spoil things for us. Being followed by people who are playing all sorts of intimidatory tactics. That situation can hardly qualify for free and fair,” Mr. Faal queried.
He added that bags of money are flying around, and therefore, a lot of money is being spent which are aimed at buying the elections to be held in a few days.
“There are stories that everywhere we went, they would go after us and bribe the people,” he said.
“In fact, I heard of a story that one of our important mobilisers, immediately after we left his house, NPP people went there and offered him D13, 000 for him to switch alliances. Well, I can’t prove that because I didn’t see the money. I wasn’t there. It is just a hear-say. But this is such a respectable person who has no reason to lie.”
“But when they come they wouldn’t tell you I am Mr. So and So representing person X. I am here to bribe you. They would never do that. They would come and just show concern and try to be good and kind to you and offer these kinds of help. But these are things that should be investigated, because it is becoming too much at the moment,” he alleged.
He concluded that these are unacceptable and unwarranted.