This adverse finding was reached by the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission, which was set up by an act – TRRC Act of Parliament to carry out a thorough investigation of grievous human rights violations perpetrated against the masses from 1994 to 2017 during the Jammeh-regime.
A letter seen by The Point, which is dated 21st of March, signed on behalf of the solicitor general, and themed: ‘Adverse Findings of the Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission’, has vindicated the police officer, Superintendent Almamy Manga.
The letter states: “Reference is invited to the above subject matter. You will recall that the TRRC made the following adverse findings against you: To take administrative and internal disciplinary measures against Superintendent Almami Manga for unlawfully detaining an infant and her mother without a court or other lawful order."
The Government in its White Paper states as follows:
“The Government takes note of the recommendation of the Commission, and in light of potentially exculpatory information received, decides to refer the matter to the relevant authorities to carry out further investigation to determine if Superintendent Almam[i] Manga was responsible for unlawfully detaining the mother and infant.”
“Following an investigation by a panel set up by the Gambia Police Force in line with the Government's position as contained in the White Paper, you have been cleared of the findings made against you.”
“The finding has been referred to the cabinet and already endorsed by the cabinet, according to the letter.”
“By this letter wish to inform you that the investigation has cleared you of wrongdoing in relation to the report of the TRRC, and as such no adverse finding remains against you. Meanwhile, please accept the considerations of the Solicitor General & Legal Secretary,” it concluded.
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