
OVP validates policy to enhance governance efficiency

Aug 1, 2024, 10:37 AM | Article By: Mahzouba Maya Faal

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Office of the Vice President (OVP) marked a significant milestone by validating its first comprehensive policy at the Senegambia Beach Hotel.

This newly established policy sets a transformative framework for the Vice President's Office, aiming to enhance its operational efficiency and accountability across all sectors.

During the opening ceremony, the Permanent Secretary of the OVP, Mr. Samba C. Mballow, speaking on behalf of the Vice President of The Gambia, emphasised the policy's pivotal role in reshaping the office’s approach to its responsibilities.

“It is not merely a document but a testament to our commitment to enhancing efficiency, accountability, and strategic foresight within the Office of the Vice President,” said PS Mballow.

The OVP Policy outlines core functions and objectives designed to fortify the governance framework, ensuring that administrative processes are effective and transparent. Highlighting the policy’s importance, PS Mballow noted: “Firstly, the policy outlines the crucial role of the Vice President in conducting business within the Cabinet and the National Assembly.” He added that the policy mandates close coordination with public officers and other ministers to implement the Cabinet’s decisions effectively.

A key aspect of the policy is its emphasis on communication and consultative decision-making, marking a significant advancement in The Gambia’s governance framework. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service (MoPS), Mr. Pateh Jah, speaking on behalf of the Honourable Minister of Public Service, underscored the policy’s alignment with national development goals.

“The new policy for the Office of the Vice President embodies this alignment. It is not just a set of rules; it is a strategic tool for initiating and implementing sector policies that resonate with our national priorities,” said PS Jah.

The validation workshop featured interactive sessions, including presentations and breakout group discussions where participants reviewed the policy and provided valuable feedback. The event was attended by representatives from sectors under the OVP, government ministries, partners, and stakeholders, among others.