
Inferno renders 98 people homeless as 6 households perish

Dec 31, 2020, 1:39 PM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

At least a total of 98 people from the community of Sare Giddeh village, in the Wulli East District of the Upper River Region (URR) are currently homeless as fire ravaged six compounds in the village.

The cause of the fire incident at the time of gathering the report had not been established. The inferno ravaged food stuffs and clothing among other household items.

Officials from the National Disaster Management Agency in URR have conducted a rapid assessment in the village with a view to finding the nature of damages caused by the inferno.

Hudul Colley, the NDMA regional coordinator in URR, said the affected individuals are currently in a frustrating situation. “As I am speaking to you at the moment, the affected individuals are being housed by neighbors given the fact that Sare Giddeh is a small village. Thus housing is a nightmare for this community.”

The NDMA, he added, has immediately provided building materials to the affected families including food stuffs ranging from rice and sugar among others.

“We also provided them with mattresses to help shelter the affected families.”

He called on philanthropists, donors, NGOs, individuals and government to come to the aid of the affected families as they are currently in a difficult situation.