
Gov't to develop implementation “logical framework" for proper execution of TRRC recommendations

May 27, 2022, 10:27 AM | Article By: Ali Jaw

The Gambia government has announced that it will develop an “Implementation Logical Framework” that would set out the roadmap for the implementation of the accepted TRRC recommendations.

“The White Paper broadly sets out government’s roadmap for the implementation of the TRRC report. The government notes that the success of the implementation process is anchored on proper planning and efficient resource mobilisation," the government announced in the White Paper.

"The government will in due course develop a detailed Implementation Logical Framework that will set out specific activities for implementation, overall objectives, key actors, clear timelines as well as key indicators of success."

"The government notes the need to make information on the implementation process widely available in order to ensure broad participation," the government further stated.

"The government intends to implement a robust communication strategy that will close the information gap, enhance access to information and ensure the popularisation of the TRRC Report and Government White Paper to the grassroots."

"Finally, the government reiterates its unwavering commitment to the implementation of the TRRC Report as set out in this White Paper, with a view to ensuring reconciliation and national healing, accountability and justice for victims of gross human rights abuses and violations, the provision of reparation for victims, broad institutional reforms and ensuring non-recurrence," it concluded.