Gambia has registered yesterday FOURTEEN (14) new confirmed COVID-19 cases -13 Gambians and 1 Senegalese (male); 8 are health workers; 2 housewives; 1 carpenter; 1 Businesswoman. The occupation of other 2 are not specified. Gender categorization: 7 female all Gambians; 6 male Gambians. 10 cases are local transmission and 4 are imported. Record now is 78 since 17 March 2020.
Travellers who wish to get tested for covid-19 in Senegal will pay D3,440
The Senegalese government in a press release yesterday stated that anyone travelling into
Senegal or leaving the country and wants to be tested for covid-19 would pay 40,000 CFA an equivalent of D3,440.
The Ministry of Health yesterday reported 112 new positive cases of covid-19, bringing the country’s total infections to 8,481; 156 deaths, 5,735 recovered and 2,589 under treatment.