This statement was made at an occasion marking the 247th Independence anniversary of the United States of America.
Speaking on behalf of Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Mamadou Tangara, at the celebration held on Thursday at Coco Ocean Hotel, Minister Jallow stated that the United States continues to be a significant development partner that “relentlessly contributes to the realization of our national development objectives”, including the strengthening of democratic institutions, improving good governance, and the investment in people-centred development programs.
“This occasion presents an opportunity to celebrate our relationship and highlight our cordial cooperation and achievements,” the Justice minister said. “Based on our enduring partnership and friendship and the United States’ recognition of The Gambia’s profound and progressive democratic transformation under the leadership of President Barrow, the country was once again identified as one of the beneficiaries of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact programme.”
This endorsement for the MCC, he added, is in addition to the earlier threshold The Gambia secured under the same MCC to about US$25 million to support The Gambia’s efforts to achieve universal energy access by 2025.
In further complementing the Gambia Government’s efforts, Minister Jallow said further, the United States Government has continued to contribute significantly in other key areas such as the Transitional Justice process, women and girl empowerment, including the promotion of child nutrition and literacy through the USAID’s US$28.5 million McGovern-Dole Food Education grant.
Jallow said the US government also supported the implementation of a five-year funding support of US$7.9 million for the Promotion of Rights and Justice (PRJ) program to reform The Gambia’s Justice System and an additional amount of US$1.1 million for “Improving Access to Justice in The Gambia” project which he added, was launched in the presence of Uzra Zeya, US Under-Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights.
“The Government of The Gambia is therefore very much appreciative of the efforts of the Government of the United States as it continues to accompany us in rebuilding our democracy which is underpinned by the principles of promoting good governance, respect for human rights, the rule of law and freedom of speech, as necessary prerequisites for the maintenance of a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous society.”