In the letter, the Gambian diplomat conveyed gratitude as she presented him letters by which His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia, accredits her as High Commissioner of the Republic The Gambia to the Republic of Zimbabwe.
The full text of the letter reads:
“It goes without saying that relationship between our two countries date back many years, since the day of your liberation struggle. After independence, these relations continued at both the personal and official levels. Your Excellency, let me hasten to point out that relations between Zimbabwe and The Gambia have been guided by the spirit of friendship and solidarity. This is why I believe that our bilateral cooperation can be strengthened even further in as many areas as possible.”
“Furthermore, our common membership of the African Union, and other multilateral institutions afford us the opportunity to enter into agreements in various fields for the mutual benefits of our peoples. It is in my fervent hope, therefore that my accreditation as High Commissioner to your great and beautiful country will make possible for our two countries to renew hope in our common endeavors to raise to higher heights, Zimbabwean – Gambian friendship and cooperation.”
“Your Excellency I look forward to strengthening our historic ties, fostering investment, and enhancing cooperation in agriculture, tourism, mining, higher education and other areas.
In conclusion, Your Excellency, Sir, I crave your indulgence to grant me all the support necessary and that of your government, in order to make my tour of duty in Zimbabwe, a resounding success.”
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