
3 judiciary staff, DJs arrested for stealing cannabis exhibits

Dec 14, 2020, 12:36 PM | Article By: Momodou Jawo in Basse

Personnel of the Drug Law Enforcement Agency, The Gambia (DLEAG) have arrested three staff of the Judiciary at the Basse Magistrate Court plus two DJs and a musical promoter in Basse in the Upper River Region (URR) in connection with stealing cannabis, exhibits at the court.

The suspects at the time of gathering the report have been detained at the Basse Police Station as investigation into the matter continues. An anonymous source, familiar with the matter confirmed the development to The Point.

The breaking of the Basse Magistrate Court where the suspected cannabis exhibits were kept, our source added, happened in the early hours of last Friday.

“The staff of the Judiciary at the Basse Court reported to work on Monday; only to realise that the door of one of their offices was broken and it was the office where the suspected cannabis exhibits were kept. Personnel of the DLEAG were later informed about the incident. They immediately dispatched a team to investigate the matter.”

“I believe that personnel of the DLEAG through some of their informants in the metropolitan town of Basse, were informed that someone who doesn't sell cannabis and doesn't smoke cannabis too was reported to have some cannabis. DLEAG officials immediately went to the boy and arrested him. Upon investigation, the suspect revealed that the cannabis was given to them by someone which led to the arrest of other suspects.”

Our source said: “One Ousman Jallow, who was first arrested by the DLEAG personnel, was arrested with 13 parcels of suspected cannabis. The DLEAG officers later discovered that the suspected cannabis found with Ousman were cannabis seized from one drug dealer who was sentenced and fined to pay D150, 000.”

Ousman Saidybah, the spokesperson of the DLEAG who was contacted for comments, confirmed the development to our reporter, adding that the matter is still under investigation.

“I can tell you that personnel throughout the country are doing a tremendous job in ensuring that they fight the menace of cannabis and other related activities in the country. This was a great job from our officers in URR and I think we should thank them for a job well done in ensuring that all the people named in the said case are arrested within a short period of time.”

“As I always said, we will not relent in our efforts in ensuring that the country is free from cannabis and other organised crimes. No stone will be left unturned in our quest to make Gambia free from cannabis, cocaine among others. These require concerted efforts and I hope that all stakeholders will collaborate with the narcotic agency in ensuring that we achieve our objectives.”