
Fatou Jaw Manneh says ‘democracy is at risk’ as she calls on party leaders to remove Barrow

Sep 13, 2021, 1:52 PM

Fatou Jaw Manneh has announced she wanted to run for presidency, but decided to shelve that idea for a later date, while calling on party leaders to remove President Adama Barrow following an alliance with the APRC. 

“I am now willing and ready to help coordinate the idea of a grand coalition against the NPP+APRC alliance/travesty. We need all soldiers of democracy to dust off their pants, wrappers and pens and come together and salvage the Gambia. Democracy is at risk again and we must rekindle the spirit of NEVER AGAIN. WE MUST ALL PUT COUNTRY FIRST?.”

Fatou, who has just resigned from the Barrow government amid an alliance with APRC, said she was shocked and nearly threw her head-tie into the ring, appealed to all to come under an umbrella of unity.

“I am appealing to all citizens, all honorable men and women of conscience. I am appealing to Honourables Ousainou Darboe, Halifa Sallah, Uncle Sidia Jatta, OJ Jallow, BB Darboe, Mai Ahmad Fatty, Dr. Ismaila Ceesay, Bojang, Mama Kandeh GDC, Bachilly, Jammeh, Kurang, Essa Faal, Marie Sock.  Those I know and those that I don't know about. All human rights journalists and activists of conscience nationally and internationally. This is not about partisan politics but once again this is about saving our country. Indeed politics makes strange bedfellows, but I am hoping for the sake of the country, we can all come together as one, make alliances to save our country even though we have widely differing views.  I am appealing for decency in our body politic. Aggression, Intolerance, threats and disrespect must have no place in our political discourse. Having differing views and stance must not make us enemies. We must put our egos in check, band together as one to salvage Gambia. We must swiftly act.  I will continue my community work and will work with any government department that is related to that. And back to the farms! Gambia must move on. We must not stall development for partisan political reasons.  The conversation continues. You will hear from me soon. And I thank you very much.”