Speaking at the National Assembly yesterday on the State of the nation, President Barrow demanded for the Gambian citizens be allowed to vote for the candidates of their choice without pressure or hindrance.
“I ask the security personnel to be more vigilant than ever and ensure that the Rule of Law prevails. It is a duty on everyone to fight the criminals in the country, and a collective responsibility to stop every form of injustice.”
He said the dissenting voices in a democracy contribute to success if taken into consideration for positive action. He added that this has helped him immensely as a statesman and democrat.
Barrow continues to appeal to the people's sense of civic responsibility, as genuine patriotic citizens committed to democratic principles and values, to give the nation their utmost.
“Let our citizenship rights, blood, and social ties, religious faith, goodwill, and love for family and nation unite us. Indeed, our common values should oblige us to work together in the best interest of the country.”
As Gambians, Barrow advised that we must be sensitive to the pain, sorrows, and desires of those around us, and work towards making life easy and comfortable for every one of us.