
Ex-chief Kombo South faces commissioners

Sep 4, 2024, 10:47 AM | Article By: Ali jaw

The erstwhile chief of Komobo South, Lamin S. Darboe, who resides in Gunjur and was a nominated councilor representing the chiefs of West Coast Region at the Brikama Area Council, Monday faced commissioners at the Local Government Commission of Inquiry to give crucial evidence.

The ex-chief’s written statement, dated 29 August 2024 , was tendered and admitted in evidence.

Mr Darboe was the chief of Kombo South until October 2021. He was first elected in January 1983 as a chief, and in 1995 the military junta replaced him with another chief. He was reinstated in 2017 but again removed in 2021. He referred to himself as the Chief’s Councillor.

“I did not belong to any committee. I only attend the general council meetings,” he told the panel of commissioners and counsels.

He was asked about the Koriteh and Tobaski payments they used to receive. He explained that he did not know it was wrong in the past. “I would not have taken it to protect my integrity. I was a recipient of it,” he said.

He testified that the ‘Salibo’ allowance for Koriteh and Tobaski was wrong.

He testified that he has been proposing to the Council to utilise the district tribunals to clear the backlog of tax arrears. He explained that during the First Republic, the district tribunals were instrumental in tax collection.

He further disclosed that there was a tribunal in Foni that chalked 100% in clearing the backlogs. Speaking about the success rate, he explained that the chiefs used to compete as to who made the highest collections. He told the Commission that the Brikama Area Council approved his proposal but it was never implemented.