The Gambian women last Saturday came together at the July 22nd for a
At the event I caught up with some women leaders who gave their opinion towards the celebration. Please read below:
Aji Amie Jatta, lady councilor Kanifing municipal council and the founder of Taku ligge skills centre: this day is a very important day for us, and its a day for every woman because issues that will be addressed here will be a concern to every woman, because the
Theme for this year is "Ending Violence Against Women and Girls" which I know is a very good step but it can't be done in the absence of women. We need to work closely with our leaders whose dreams are to see that we achieve our goals, its all about oneness. I am urging all the women to be each other's keeper and always prepare to work hard and whenever such event happens no woman should wait to be called, we should all come together and celebrate it as one family regardless of where you come from or which tribe you belong to. On this note I am wishing every woman in The Gambia and the world at large a happy international women's day.
Aji Louise Jobe Councilor for
Aji Salka Faal Lady Councilor for Jeshwang: the day is a great day in women's calendar, because it's a clear manifestation that shows the importance of women in the world. I think if we all come together and work hard every thing will be fine, because we really have a great opportunity as Gambian women as far as the president's women and girls empowerment is concerned. I think our gathering here is very vital because it's a sign of oneness and love among ourselves because we are here for one celebration and wish we celebrate the day and end it in peace. May we continue to celebrate many more to come.
Mary Thomas, Chief Layout Editor and Web Manager of The Point Newspaper: a day set aside to celebrate the International Women's day is very necessary, it gives women chance to express their views and beliefs. As for The Gambia it is worthwhile, because we have already set some vital examples in the government, as our second in command is a woman by the name Dr. Aja Isatou Njie Saidy, handful of women as ministers, Speaker of the House to name a few, and women in so many high ranking positions. As for this year's theme, its very important, we pray that God Almighty will intervene for us. I wish every woman a happy International women's day.