In a bid to enhance service delivery, the department of Forestry yesterday received four brand new pick-ups from the Gambia Public Procurement Authority (GPPA) through the Government of The Gambia.
Speaking at the handing-over ceremony of the vehicles, Abdoulie Sanneh, director of Forestry, said the vehicles were approved by the ministry to the tune of D2.9 million upon a request made by his department to enhance service delivery in the field.
While underscoring the importance his department attaches to the vehicles in enhancing its work, director Sanneh said, their dreams have become a reality, in the sense that the four new vehicles are now available for operations.
“This is a big challenge to us, because government by giving us all these four vehicles at a go shows the trust it has in my department,” Sanneh said.
According to him, the vehicles will go a long way in helping his department embark on a vigorous patrol of the forests, and ensure that Gambian forests are protected from illegal activities.
The task, he added, is on them to ensure that they deliver up to expectations, saying that to whom much is given, much is expected.
“With these new vehicles, all that is expected from us now is to tighten our belts to make sure that the Forestry department lives up to expectations,” he stated.
Director Sanneh commended the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, GPPA and the Ministry of Forestry and the Environment for their support.
The vehicles, he explained, will be used by regional forestry offices in the
He also thanked the Forestry mechanics for playing a key role in ensuring that the vehicles were received on time.
Director Sanneh also used the occasion to welcome the newly appointed minister of Forestry and Environment, assuring her that his department will give her all the needed support at all times, in ensuring that the Gambia’s forestry policy is in place in the best interest of the Gambian people.
Other speakers at the handing-over ceremony included Kebba Faal, chief driver and forestry mechanic, who advised the regional forestry officers to utilize the vehicles and take good care of them.
Meanwhile, the vehicles will be officially commissioned by the new minister of Forestry and the Environment next week.