Nation (UN) Human Rights Lawyer, Fabian Salvioli has urged government of The
Gambia to reform its judicial system.
UN special rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and
Guarantees of Non- recurrence, Fabian Salvioli says the current state of The
Gambia judicial system requires reforms due to the perceived lack of
independence, alleged corrupt practices, and the lack of adequate human and
material resources.
of the judiciary are scared and insufficiently trained; basic equipment and
infrastructure is lacking, and its independence is highly questioned,’ Fabian
described these as shortcomings, which hinder the judicial capacity to carry
out criminal prosecutions, and may risk the achievement of justice for the past
have observed with concern the lack of attention given to the restoring of the
judicial system to prepare it for a democratic transition founded on the rule
of law.”
UN rapporteur urged the government and the international community that wishes
to support the Gambia’s transitional justice process to make judicial reform a
would like to restate that the resource and capacity constraints do not excuse
the judiciary and the Ministry of Justice from engaging in the much needed and
awaited accountability for abuses of the past regime.”
his visit, Salvioli met government officials, human rights representatives, victims
and survivors. He also visited sites where torture, summary executions and
enforced disappearances were believed to have taken place. Such places include
the Yundum and Kanilai barracks, the former National Intelligence Agency’s
headquarters where the famous ‘Bambadinka’ was used as a torture chamber.
Salvioli who is a human rights lawyer
and professor, was appointed by the
UN Human Rights Council in 2018 as the special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth,
justice, reparation and guarantees of non- recurrence.