Hundreds of Muslims recently took part in the celebration of the 12th day of Rabi al Awal commonly know as Gamo, to observe the birth of the Holy Prophet, Mohammed (SAW) at the Holy city of
The annual event is celebrated throughout the world.
This year is the 107th Annual Gamo at Tivaoune.
Serigne Alhagie Malick Sy of Tivaoune, opened the celebration with his fellow Islamic scholars and talibes.
It's worthy to mention that the first Khalifa Serigne Ababacar Sy and his brothers Serigne Alhagie Mansour Sy, Serigne Abdul Aziz Dabaah, Serigne Habib Sy and the talibes, continued to celebrate the event annually.
Serigne Abdul Aziz Dabaah continued the celebrations until after his demise, when Serigne Mansour Sy, presently his brothers Cheikh Tijan Sy, Maktuum, Serigne Abdul Aziz Sy Al-Amin, spokesperson of the Khalifa, Serigne Mbye Sy Mansour, Alhaji Malick Sy Mawdo, Mam Ousman Sy and the talibes continued the celebration.
The Gambian delegation consisted of 25 dairas under the leadership of Alhaji M.I. Jallow, President of the Tijaniya Federation.
The Representative of the Khalifa General of Tijanya in the Gambia, Imam Alhaji Tafsir Gaye of Banjul, who first left for Tivaoune prior to the event to convey greetings from Professor Dr. Alhaji Yahya Jammeh and the Gambian government and also to seek for more prayers for the country.
Before returning to the country, Imam Gaye also had a meeting with Serigne Mansour Sy and the Khalifa prayed for the wellbeing of president Jammeh and the
The discussion during the Mawlud centered on peace. The spokesperson of the Khalifa emphasised the need to maintain peace throughout the world. He made particular reference to
In his closing remarks, the Khalifa prayed for peace, prosperity and good health to be able to worship Allah and prayed for more celebrations to come.