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Tennis youngster delighted at winning SJAG award

May 19, 2010, 2:44 PM | Article By: Lamin Drammeh

The 2009 Sports Journalists Association of The Gambia's most outstanding male tennis player for the year 2009, Fabakary Drammeh, has spoken of his delight to receive the first high-profile award of his life.

The young tennis star was among a host of top sports men and women that converged at the Independence Stadium?s Friendship Hotel in Bakau last month, to receive the SJAG award in recognition of his service in the development and promotion of sports in The Gambia for the past 12 months.

The talented young tennis player could not wait to express his satisfaction when he was called upon to receive the award to the surprise of his colleagues that were also vying for the top award, considering his age of just 13-years-old.

"Winning the SJAG award was not a surprise to me because every tennis follower will agree with the fact that I have been working tirelessly over the years to improve my standard, and thank God that I can be proud of winning at least two tennis tournaments in two years," Drammeh was quoted by our reporter as saying, at the Lawn Tennis Court at the Independence Stadium on Tuesday.

"My parents including the entire family members were equally delighted for the award and urged me to continue taking the game seriously in order to excel to the highest level," Drammeh added.

Drammeh, who represented the country in two international tennis tournaments will be among six other tennis players from the association that are set to represent the Lawn Tennis Association in the forthcoming ITF tennis tournament in Dakar.

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