The Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF Taiwan) has approved over four million US Dollars loan and a grant of 0.2 million dollar technical assistance for the establishment of an Ultra-modern Skills Training Centre for The Gambia.
The project, according to officials, will be built in Siffoe Kombo North, Western Region.
In line with requirements of Fund, a Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) was yesterday inaugurated at the National Training Authority (NTA) Conference Hall on Kairaba Avenue.
The terms of reference for the committee include the designing of a working framework including policy formulation, decision making and supervision.
The PCC is an advisory body representing Central Government with the primary role of supervising and monitoring the performance of the executing agency, the NTA, in its execution of the project.
The eight-member PCC is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the department of state for Higher Education Research, Science and Technology.
In his inaugural address, the deputy Taiwanese ambassador to The Gambia, Herman T.C Chiu, called for concerted efforts for the effective implementation of the project.
He said that the aim of the project was to make a significant change on the livelihood of Gambians by way of development of human resources.
Ousman Nyang, Director General of NTA, said that the project was meant to meet the demand for technical vocational education and training in the country. He expressed appreciation with the project. He stressed that the importance of the committee cannot be over-emphasised. "This inauguration is a giant strive in the right direction," he said.
Mrs. Mariama Ndure-Njie, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Department of State for Higher Education, urged members to work hard and be committed to the task for the realization of the project.
The occasion was chaired by Mr. Edmond Shonubi who said that the project when completed would be the first of its kind in the sub-region.
The forum ended with a Power Point presentation on the overview of the project, by Mr. Amadou Touray, the NTA Desk Officer.