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Sun Beach Hotel Assault Case Opens

Mar 18, 2009, 5:48 AM | Article By: Dawda Faye

Ronaldo Delgreco, a Chef at Sun Beach Hotel, on 16th March 2009 testified at the Kanifing Magistrates' Court against six employees of the said hotel.

The accused persons are Ousman Darboe, Kebba Ceesay, Basiru Sanneh, Famara Camara, Alagie Alieu Jagne and Essa Nyassi who both were alleged to have assaulted the witness.

In his testimony, the witness told the court that he lives at Cape Point and that he is a Chef at Sun Beach Hotel. He stated that he recognised the accused persons and that he could recall the 23rd February 2009. He went on to say that on the day in question he went to work in the evening. He revealed that he approached the accused persons in his department and greeted them as they were standing together. He narrated that as he turned away from the accused persons, they started hitting him on his back and sides.

Mr Delgreco revealed further that this was repeated and as a result he shielded himself. He adduced that it was one Lang Saho who intervened and he was rescued and taken to Bakau Police Station and later to the RVTH where he was issued with a medical certificate after he was treated.

Under cross-examination, the 6th accused person put to the witness that it was he the (witness) who asked them to join three prayers together and that was why they had a problem with him. The witness in response said this was an instruction by the management.

The case, which was presided over by Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbake, was adjourned to 31st March 2009.

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