#Article (Archive)

Supreme Islamic Council declares 24 Sept. ‘Tobaski’ Day

Sep 16, 2015, 11:59 AM

The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) has issued a press release declaring Thursday 24 September 2015 Eid ul Adha, commonly known as Tobaski, in The Gambia.

The release, aired yesterday night by the state TV, stated: “The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council would like to inform the general public that Tuesday the 15th of September 2015 would be the first day of Jul Idja the 12th month of the Muslim Calendar, and the day of Arafat will be on Wednesday 23rd of September 2015.

Therefore, the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council, in collaboration with the Imam Ratib of Banjul, wishes to announce to the general public that Thursday the 24th of September 2015 would be the 10th day of Jul Idja – 1,236h; therefore, Eid ul Adha, locally known as Tobaski, would be observed in The Gambia on Thursday 24 of September 2015.”