The Minister of Youth and Sports, Alieu K. Jammeh has said his ministry would not take fraudulent act in the country’s sport lightly.
Two weeks ago, he said, someone from a certain sporting organisation used the letterhead of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to apply for a visa.
The embassy in question sent a query to the Gambia’s Foreign Affairs Department to confirm the letterhead used by the culprit to write a visa authorization letter in the name of the ministry for them to travel.
Upon receiving the notice from the embassy, Minister Jammeh said, “We realised it was even the old letterhead of the Ministry that the culprits used. The visa application was rejected.”
He called on those wanting to travel to use the right channels and urged everyone to help and work together to resolve the abnormalities in the country’s sports sector.
“Let us put together strong structures to develop sports in our country,” he went on. “If you need Government’s support you will continue to get it but you need to be transparent and be willing to work together.”
He concluded by saying the nation deserves better and more than “the level our sports is”.