Globe to Globe Hamlet opened at Shakespeare’s Globe on 23 April 2014, the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. This completely unprecedented theatrical adventure will see Hamlet tour to every single country on earth over 2 years. Sixteen extraordinary men and women are currently travelling across the seven continents, performing in a huge range of unique and atmospheric venues.
Dominic Dromgoole, Artistic Director of Shakespeare’s Globe and Director of Hamlet said:
‘Globe to Globe Hamlet was created with the aim of performing Hamlet to as many people as possible, in as diverse a range of places as possible. The central principle of the tour is that Shakespeare can entertain and speak to anyone, no matter where they are on earth; and that no country or people are not better off for the lively presence of Hamlet.’
Globe to Globe Hamlet has been performed in over 100 countries across the Americas, Europe and Africa to more than 89,000 people, with over 1/2 of the whole tour now complete.
Tickets can be purchased at the Ebunjan Theatre Box Office, Alliance Franco-Gambienne, Timbooktoo and Gaya Art Cafe. For additional information and venue location visit the Ebun Jan Theatre facebook page or call (9981336, 7744430, 7594725 or 3981336).