independent representative of QNET online networking and marketing firm in The
Gambia has told The Point in a recent interview that his firm has all the
potential to address the unemployment rate in the country.
Sanneh said QNET is a viable venture and a place of non-discrimination that gives
people the liberty to manage their finance by themselves, saying they are in
The Gambia to address unemployment and transform the lives and livelihood of
also revealed that QNET is the fastest growing business in the industry that
can empower the youth to earn a better living for themselves with less
Sanneh added that when people join QNET, it gives them few periods to develop
to him, the business was introduced in Malaysia 1998. He said once one pays the
requirement amount to be qualified to be a member or have a contract with the
company, he is guaranteed for ninety days and incase of any eventuality, his
will be replaced by his next of kin.
he said it is only people above 18 years that are allowed to join the business,
encouraging interested persons to make the best use of the opportunity, as the
company is here to fight poverty and help you in the transformation of the
lives of people.