Officials of the Gambia National Lottery (GNL) Thursday made their second appearance before the joint session of the Public Accounts Committee and Public Enterprises Committee (PAC/PEC) of the National Assembly to answer questions about some missing monies from the institution.
Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, member for Serrekunda East and the majority leader, told GNL officials that they are not witch-hunting people, but want to ensure that public funds are accounted for.
Those responsible should be held accountable for public funds, he added.
“If there are lapses, we hold the GNL board responsible because the board supervises the management to ensure that management issues are corrected,” Hon Jatta told GNL officials.
“If you have any thing that you want to clear you can clear it here, but in the absence of not clearing the doubts, it means we will rely on what the auditor general’s report gave us and we are going to write our recommendation according to the report,” he said.
According to Hon. Jatta, whether the D14 million had been paid or not, they had not seen any documents to show that the money was paid.
In his explanation on the issue, Samba Faal, former Mayor of Banjul City Council, told PAC/PEC that he was not part of the sales.
The majority leader further told the GNL officials that the D14 million yet to be accounted for was a serious matter, as there were no records to show that the money had been paid.