women and youth participants have praised and thanked the project dubbed
‘Building Resilience against Food Insecurity in the Sahel (P2RS)’ for
organising training programmes on business planning and management of income
generating activities in their respective regions.
P2RS trainings were conducted in Upper River, Central River and Lower River
regions for rural women and youth to upgrade their skills on entrepreneurship,
including business planning writing.
three-phase training ended at Jenoi, Lower River Region, where participants
from NBR and LRR gathered to improve their skills.
Sonko, a member of Global Youth Innovation Network Gambia Chapter (GYIN Gambia
NBR), described the training as very educative and instrumental, saying he
learnt a lot of skills beneficial to him as a young entrepreneur.
to Sonko, the training has also availed him the opportunity to network with
other youth thereby growing his business scope.
Saho, a GYINer from LRR, said the training would boost her skills in business,
adding that attending such training added great input in her life as a young
Jammeh from NBR explained that the practical part of the training will make him
not forget what he learnt during the course.
thanked the P2RS team, particularly Ousman Sonko, the lead trainer, saying
Ousman was someone who has vast experience in teaching the young ones.
Bah, a participant from Wassu, CRR north, said he has developed a marketable
business plan, thanks to the training.
said with the knowledge gained from the training, he would now be able to train
other rural women and youth on writing business plan for their petty trading.
S. Danso hailed the P2RS project saying that as a youth, these are the kinds of
opportunities they rely on to build their skills to become successful
called for the continuity of such kind of trainings.
Baldeh, a resident of Basse Mansajang Kunda, said: “This training on business
planning and management of income generating activities has given me the tools
I need to help, grow and properly manage our farming business.”
the end of the training, he acknowledged the importance of writing a good
business plan, and how it – good business plan – can help him access finance to
invest in modern farming equipment and techniques to increase his farming
Goode, also a resident of Basse, said the training has given her the tools and
knowledge she needed to set up her new business.
now know the importance of writing a good business plan, and how to use my
business plan to manage my business,” she said enthusiastically.