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"Overall Investment in Education Beyond State Capacity" - SOS Faye

Feb 27, 2009, 3:43 AM | Article By: Sainey M.K Marenah

Mrs. Fatou Lamin Faye, Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education, has bemoaned that fact the provision of education to our school-age population is largely the core responsibility of government. She said that the overall investment in education goes beyond the capacity of the state to shoulder.

Madam Faye made these remarks in a statement read on her behalf by Amicoleh Mbaye, principal education officer - life skills, at the 2009 Trust Bank Excellence in the Millennium Awards held at the Corinthia Atlantic Hotel yesterday.

According to the Basic and Secondary Education Secretary, "this thus justifies beyond every shadow of doubt, the need to establish and nurture partnerships with the private sector whose volume of contribution has the potential to greatly enhance the realisation of our sector goals and targets.

Evidence of this added value to education service delivery can be conspicuously traced to the corporate social responsibility of our only home-grown bank; Trust Bank Limited, whose contribution to the socio-economic advancement of this country is beyond measure," she noted.

In Madam Lamin Faye's view, in today's Gambia, secondary education has a vital mission-one which combines the policy peculiarities of being at the same time, terminal and preparatory, uniform and diverse.

"In the provision of such comprehensive education, the goal of the sector is not only to help more children go to school or to alternative educational programmes but rather ensure that once there, they learn more as a result of being taught and better trained teachers using better methods and creating child-friendly and gender sensitive environments," she added.

This, she went on, is premised on the firm and convincing belief that quality is the guiding principle for education provision. "It influences what students learn, how well they learn and what benefits they draw from their education. My department of state, therefore, continues to ensure that students achieve decent learning outcomes and acquire values and skills that help them play a positive role in their societies".

See Monday issue for special report on the ceremony held at the Atlantic Hotel.

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