Dictator cum Tyrant Yahya Jammeh suffering from moral bankruptcy with a record
of performance as the Gambia Head of state of the Gambia leaves the indelible
memories of brutality, intimidation harassment, arrest, detention and ultimate
murder of innocent citizens.
Dark Days of 22 years during when the Gambians experience the most traumatic
period in the country’s history, leaves not only much to be desired but has
also as a blessing in disguise engendered greater political consciousness and
the maturity so well manifested in the decision to vote against the demonic,
catastrophic and repressive Government
of the criminal cum president.
erratic manner in which Yahya Jammeh administered and ruled this country was
incompatible with the peace and tranquility that characterized the Gambia. The
challenges of democratic pluralism spared no chances for survival to the wild
Monster Jammeh.
Dark Days of the merciless rule of the Dictator was commence with the order to
shot 15 school children whose only crime was a demonstration to draw the
attention of the Jammeh’s administration to address the issues of their
concern. The numerous parents of these children who were shot and killed in
broad day light vehemently protested at radio program to express their
astonishment and uttered dismay of such inhuman and brutal act which was met
with condemnation from all over the world.
persistent utter disrespect and failure to recognize the freedom of expression,
freedom of assemble freedom of movement and indeed the suppression of every right
of the Gambian citizen as enshrined in the Gambia’s constitution, created an
atmosphere of fear and distrust. The disgraceful and merciless method used in
Jammeh’s pursuit to remain in power, come what may, brought about the notorious
NIA to lunch a massive public intimidation campaign intended to liquidate the
opposition parties amongst which the UDP under the leadership of Hon. Ousainou
Darboe took the leading role to restore
democracy in the Gambia.
the past elections, through the manipulation of results by Jammeh’s agents, the
notorious, shame less, hypocrite managed to succeed in demystifying authority to grossly misuse power which goes without saying that power corrupts
and absolute power corrupt absolutely. The news of the murder of Kora Ceeasy
the first minister of finance in Jammeh’s Government shocked the whole nation.
This trend was adopted to instill fear and frustration to end any attempt to
expose the evil machination of the Dictator Jammeh.
all the efforts made through appeals and pleas from all the democratic
institutions throughout the world, to restrain the merciless ruler from denying
Gambian’s their Fundamental Human Right, the ongoing threats, arrest and
disappearance of innocent citizens throughout the Gambia, continued unabated.
engagement of murder squads to wreak havoc and ultimately kill any person or
any group that utters any words of opposition to the belligerent ruler became
the order of the day. To this end The Gambian press because of its role to
expose the nefarious hostile and disgraceful activities of the Jammeh’s regime,
made the Dictator to view the press with hatred and was determined by all means
necessary to silence the practitioners of the Fourth Estate - The Press. Since the Press was Jammeh’s
most feared enemy the merciless sadist was forced to leave no stone unturned in
the venture to massacre any Journalist who dared to criticize the monster.
the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces, the Dictator used every available
means to rule with impunity. The manipulation of the system of employment in
the Gambia became so tribalised that most employees became discourage to the
extent that going abroad by any means
offered greater chances of survival than the tribalised management subjected to
the remote control of Dictator Jammeh. The disappearance of Journalist, arrest,
and detention of several Editors of Newspapers was epitomized by passing of the
prison sentence of two years on the Editors.
This sorrowful and repressive event increased the political consciousness
of Gambians who began to realize that the infringement and denial of Human
Right was becoming a serious cause for concern.
a result, the political Parties that emerged to oppose the Jammeh’s party APRC,
with the courage of conviction, tenacity of purpose and the will that knows no
defeat, the opposition parties’ activities began to gain momentum in their
struggle to expose the evils of Dictator Jammeh’s Modus Operandi. In Jammeh’s Kingdom where the despot was
refer as (Babili Mansa’, tribalism which was by now entrenched in the system
began to show the ugly signs of segregation not only at the public places but
also the civil service and Parastatals. Whiles the Dictator was on the contrary
going around the country preaching unity and equality, his secret Agenda later
to become public knowledge dismissed his false claims rooted in deep hatred for
any opposition to the Dictator’s Draconian Laws.
brutal murder of Mr. Dayda Hydara, (May his blessed soul rest in perfect peace)
the Editor and the Co-Proprietor of The Point Newspaper by the murderous squads
of Dictator Jammeh was indeed the most sorrowful incident to be recorded in the
history of the Gambian press. This act of brutality was condemned by the entire
world. This sad event was to be to be followed by the murder of Omar Barrow a
reporter and translator of the focus on Africa Radio program.
this day the point Newspaper appears with the photo of the late Editor with the
Question WHO KILL DAYDA HYDARA? Indeed the revelation of plots to silence the
Gambian Journalist necessitated putting the full weight of murderer Jammeh on
the Trigger to liquidate any Journalist, shamelessly using this horrible
incident to intimidate Journalist and the entire Gambian Community. The late Editor of the Point news Paper was
the first openly known target. The Question how many more died without public
knowledge will ever remain unanswered.
Independent Newspaper Printing Machines were set on fire and the journalist
threaten either to discontinue publication of this newspaper or will suffer
death in the most painful and brutal manner. These most unwelcome visits of the
NIA murder squads became a frequent exercise leading to closure of Radio
Stations the arrest of Radio Managers and the continued harassment of press
view of the urgent need for change which could only be achieved through the
Ballot Box, the political consciousness of Gambians began to found expression
at the political meeting of the opposition parties. The Intimidation, Arrest,
Detention and torture of opposition members could not achieve its desired aim
because of the dynamism and determination of opposition voters who were
absolutely disgusted with the Dictators regime. The murder of opposition party
members could not in any way achieved the desire aim of Jammeh whose
antagonistic attacks in each and every
sector of the Gambian community led the Dictator to foolishly expect to gain
the votes to win the Presidential Election.
events of terror that followed reached their climax when the opposition leader
Hon. Ousainou Darboe and some of the UPD supporters were arrested and detained
indefinitely. This was to be the last nail to be on the coffin of the
disgraceful and dishonorable Dictator.
The adamant violation of human right of the Gambia notwithstanding the total
disrespect and failure to recognize the Rules and Regulation binding country
members of International Democratic Organizations became the beginning of
International disrepute which Dictator Jammeh unwittingly earned himself. The
eccentric and arrogant Dictator withdrew the Gambian’s membership from these
organizations. The unilateral decision to withdraw the Gambia’s membership from
these organizations brought about international condemnation of ignorant Yahya
who with impunity had no respect or regards for the Gambia’s constitution and
rules and regulations that governed membership to these organizations.
However, fortunately for the Gambians, the
Rules and Regulations that were designed to protect the constitutional rights
of voters remained to be intact. As a result the maturity of Gambian voters and
indeed their political consciousness that engendered greater awareness of the
dangers and evils of the Bigot charlatan Hypocrite Yahya Jammeh began to yield the desired effect
to bring about the changes necessary for the future democratic Gambia. This
however depended on the Gambia’s voters’ wisdom to register their utter
rejection of Yahya Jammeh and his cohorts. Fortunately such wisdom was amply
manifested in the last presidential Election that Dictator Jammeh will ever
contest in the Gambia.
united efforts of the opposition parties to jointly contest under a coalition
of parties with the exception of MAMA
KANDEH under the leadership of his Excellency President ADAMA BARROW was the
first sign of wisdom to bring about the down fall of Dictator Jammeh. The
result of the presidential Election that were contested in a free and fair
atmosphere as acknowledge by the Dictator Yahya Jammeh who later began to
appear in his true nature as a Pathological
liar when the victory of the opposition became the reality to end the
Dictator regime of terror. The result of the presidential election could indeed
be attributed to Dictator Jammeh Adamant refusal and the complete failure to meet
the challenges of democratic pluralism ensuring the respect and recognition of
the fundamental Human Right of Gambians.
this end, I wish to take this opportunity to profoundly express the Gambia’s
acknowledgement of the debt of gratitude to the governments of the Countries
constituting the ECOMOG Arm forces without whose military intervention to
remove the shameless dictator from state house, the serious efforts of Gambian
Voters to restore democracy in the Gambia through the ballot box would have gone
in vain allowing the enemy of democracy to subject the Gambian to perpetual
servitude. The lessons from the events of the 22 years of terror, suffice it to
say serve as a guide line to the adherence to democratic principle that govern
the administration of the affairs of state on which depends on the socio
economic development of the Gambia.
will not end this article without categorically stating the advocacy for good
neighborliness which is sine-qua-non in the Gambia’s pursuit to maintain a
healthy relationship with our neighbors particularly the Republic of
Senegal. The deteriorating diplomatic
relations between the Gambia and Senegal which culminated into the expulsion of
the Senegalese Ambassador to the Gambia should be viewed with the urgency to restored
cordial and respectful relations that existed between the two countries. The
geographical location of the Gambia within Senegal with the sea being the only
outlet for the Gambia, except for the borders with Senegal, compels both
countries to recognize the ardent desire to harmonize their relations that will
amicably service the mutual interest of both countries in all respects.
supportive role of Senegal together with the ECOMOG forces in the Gambia lends
credence to the saying that a good neighbour is better than a bad brother. It’s
therefore imperative that according to the His Excellency President Adama
Barrow, the initiative to restore the Gambia’s meaningful and sincere relation
with Senegal will commence with His Excellency’s first visit to Senegal.
upcoming events cast there shadows, the preparation to celebrate the 52nd
independence celebration are well on the way to accommodate the numerous
invitees, visitors, and friends all over the world. The hopes of a grand style
celebration will be justified because we are not only celebrating the end of
British colonialism but also the end of the merciless repressive dictator whose
22 years reign of terror will ever remain in the annals of Gambia’s history to
be remembered as the Dark days of the Jammeh regime.
events before the presidential election and after which were televised all over
the world will certainly arouse the interest of a diverse category of visitors
to the Gambia. Since the Gambia never experienced such worldwide publicity, this
opportunity must be seize to make the maximum use of the world wide publicity
particularly for the promotion Gambia’s tourist industry. The optimism being
express in every Conner of the country gives a beacon of hope that the future
in which the restorations of democracy in the Gambia will be fully address will
yield the needed socio economic development that we look forward to achieving
without sacrificing the fundamental Human Rights of the Gambians guaranteed by
the Constitution of the Gambia.
author is the retired Editor in Chief of The Gambian newspaper a weekly
circulation from 1974 to 1994.