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HOME AFFAIRS: Congratulations and happy Independence Mr President

Feb 22, 2017, 10:51 AM | Article By: Adam Jobe

After twenty-two years of tyranny, torture, injustice and human rights abuse, The Gambia is now free from all of that. Congratulations and happy 52 Independence Anniversary!

As we celebrated the 52 independence anniversary in an unexpected way, thanks to international mediation, I pray for the longevity and everlasting peace in this country.

Please, Mr President, accept our warm congratulations on your victory and best wishes for your success, as you prepare to take up the responsibilities of your office.

Mr President, as you embark upon new responsibilities, we wish to assure you and the people of The Gambia of our continuing support to your new government, starting from you (Mr President) to the last member in your cabinet.

Mr President, the whole Gambia is very delighted to know that you have won the December 1 election, and for patiently waiting out for the after long political impasse to be resolved without any bloodshed.

Your Excellency, your victory with a large majority has filled The Gambia and the whole world with immense joy. We, therefore, take this opportunity to congratulate you and the entire coalition team on your well-deserved success.

Mr President, you must be highly content with this post as you have undoubtedly worked very hard to achieve this position, especially during the hard days of the impasse before your swearing in.

Your commitment and dedication, Mr President, has helped you and your team to attain this post, and you will be able to put many things back on track now which have long gone haywire.

You Excellency, there are many wounds that The Gambia has and needs to be healed, and all this cannot be achieved overnight, but gradually.

My concern here, Mr President, is that much attention needs to be given to the education sector, especially government-owned schools, as this will benefit the country on the whole as new and many minds will emerge.

Mr President, you and your coalition team are the perfect candidates for these posts, and we thank God that all your hard work has paid off. The zeal to do something for the students and young masses of this country has made your winning the election more realistic.

We hope you easily fulfill all your promises and shine brightly in the future. Wishing you all the best in your noble future endeavours.

Long live The Gambia!

Long live you and your cabinet members!

God bless The Gambia!

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