Mr. Njai Sama Dampha, the newly appointed Chief of Niamina West District in the Central River Region, has spoken about his plans for his district as the new chief.
In an exclusive interview with this reporter, Seyfo Dampha expressed his resolve to bring sustainable and continuous development and help build good relationship between the elites in his district. "I will try to resolve the disputes amongst the citizens of Niamina West. I will try to know the problems of the people of my district because it is easier to solve a problem when you study it," he said.
According to the Niamina West chief, education, health and agriculture would be among his top priorities for the development of his district.
He also promised to encourage women empowerment in agricultural production by helping to facilitate the acquisition of agricultural tools. "I would try by all means to help empower the women of my district to enable them engage more in agricultural production," he added.
He also expressed his gratitude to President Jammeh, whom he said is development- oriented, for the trust and confidence bestowed in him.
"It is challenging but I will do all that I can to serve the people of my district and The Gambia at large to the best of my ability," he said.
Prior to his new appointment, Chief Dampha worked with Catholic Relief Service (CRS), ADWAC and UNICEF. He replaces Mr. Kekuta Jawo of Niamina Kumbaney.