The National Environmental Agency (NEA) and other stakeholders in the promotion and protection of environment yesterday validated The Gambia Environmental Action Plan(GEAP) phase ii for the 10 year period 2009- 2018.
Speaking at the validation held at the Paradise Suites Hotel, Mr. Nyada Baldeh, permanent secretary Department of State for Forestry and Environment, revealed that the first phase of the GEAP was implemented during a period of ten years from 1992 - 2001. It was meant to provide a framework for planning and decision making on national environmental issues and natural resources management.
He said that GEAP phase one has had a positive impact. "In addressing some of the negative trends of numerous environmental problems, a practical institutional and legal framework established to deal with all matters of environment and natural resources management has been achieved," he said. According to him, the National Environment Agency, under the aegis of the UNDP-sponsored project known as Capacity Development for Achieving Environmental Sustainability, hired a consultant to review the implemented GEAP phase I in order to take into account those concerns in the implementation of the current phase.He expressed hope that participants will do justice to the environment action plan.
According to him, GEAP focus on three major policy areas. Firstly, the conservation and promotion of rational use of national resources for present and future generations-national resource management.
Secondly, preservation and improvement of personal health and quality of life through sound environmental management-social services and finally preservation and restoration of the balance of ecosystems-environment and development.
Deputizing the NEA Executive Director, Mr. Momodou Kanteh director technical services network said that the plan of action would lead the country to many environmental activities in years to come. He advised the participants give their imput to the document for it to serve our national purpose. He said that the forum is just the beginning as they intend to carry out similar meetings at various regions in the country.
Mr. Almameh Camara from UNDP said that there is a great concern for the fact that environmental degradation is a global problem.The trend of environmental degradation doesn't seem to be declining he said. He expressed the UNDP's pleasure in associating with the activity.