The training course funded by the NEMA project, and was designed to build the capacity of NARI staff on basic ICT knowledge skills, as well as to expose them to various areas of ICT in a bid to improve their level of performance at the work place.
Speaking at the ceremony, Anusumana Gibba, the focal person, said the training session was all about enhancing the skills of the scientists in ICT.
He said scientists are involved in a lot of data generation, and the data generated would not be meaningful unless and until they are able to analyse it using their ICT skills to makethem meaningfulfor the applicationof the scientists, as far as data development generation was concerned.
The participants were mainly from NARI, that is, the researchers within the NARI institute, and the expectation was the discovering of new skills that are necessary for data analysis and the interpretation of the data.
He further commented on the importance attached to data, adding that it was the basis on which technologies were developed; that was why data is very valid.
Assan Mboge, NARI director of finance, explained that the activity was a project that was given to NARI by NEMA, which was a sub-component and was fully-funded by the NEMA project.
He said the purpose of this sub-component was to improve food production and productivity.
“We hope that our relationship with NEMA project will be further strengthened, so that we have more funding in a bid to boost the agricultural sector which is in line with Vision 2020,” he said.
He said the training course was all about sharing their experience and expertise, in the sense that all the participants were drawn from NARI, while challenging them to utilise the knowledge gained as ICT was very important.