Sowe, president of the National Coordination of Farmer Network of The Gambia
(NACOFAG) recently returned to Banjul from South America where he attended a
four-day international conference.
Sowe was the only Gambian delegate that represented the farmers at the 5th
General Assembly of the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers (WFF)
at Salinas, Ecuador, 26 - 29 January 2017.
It was attended by 17 countries.
to reporters at his office on Thursday, Mr Sowe said the purpose of the
conference was to discuss global issues regarding fisheries and the
environment, including land and forestry.
said representing The Gambia at the international conference was an inspiration
for him to continue representing the voices of the people involved in fisheries
and related sectors.
coordinator said among the subtopics discussed at the conference was the
implementation of the voluntary guidelines for land tenure and forest and
said the voluntary guidelines are to serve as reference and to provide
guidelines of governance of land tenure, fisheries and forestry issues with the
overarching goal of achieving food security for all. The guidelines are to also support the
progressive realisation of the right to adequate food.
Sowe said the adoption of the guidelines would contribute to the global and
national efforts towards the eradication of hunger and poverty based on the
principle of sustainable development by promoting secured tenure right and
equitable access to land, fisheries and the forest.
said the four-day forum also looked at the linkage between eradication of
hunger and poverty and the sustainable use of the environment.
said responsible governance of land tenure, fisheries and forestry is
inextricably linked to access to management of other natural resources such as
water and mineral resources.
Gambia is developing an Agriculture and Natural Resources policy and NACOFAG is
instrumental in mobilising farmers and forestry community to partake in the
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