The criminal trial involving Musa Suso, former National Assembly Member for Kombo North, continued yesterday at the Banjul Magistrates' Court before Magistrate Kayode.
Musa Suso is standing trial on four count charges of giving false information to a public officer contrary to section 114 (a) of the criminal code cap 10 volume III laws of The Gambia. He denied the charges.
Testifying, PW2, ASP Ebrima Jabang, told the court that he is a police officer attached to the fraud and commercial unit of the Gambia Police Force.
He said he recognised the accused Musa Suso and that he could remember
He informed the court that on the day in question he took a witness statement from the accused at the fraud and commercial unit of the Gambia Police Force. ASP Ebrima Jabang, further went on to say that the accused narrated and he wrote the statement upon the request of the accused.
He said after writing the statement, it was read all over to the accused, adding that the accused Musa Suso was given the opportunity to read his own statement to his satisfaction and he signed; and he too endorsed as the officer who obtained the witness statement.
The witness statement was later tendered and admitted in court as exhibit. Hearing continues today.
It was alleged that the accused Musa Suso in the year 2007 at police headquarters in Banjul gave false information to the then IGP, Benedict Jammeh and the then Crime Management Co-ordinator that the Director of Prisons, David Colley, has received an unspecified amount of fuel from Musa's friend, Ebou Khan, while he Musa was incarcerated at the Mile II Prison knowing it to be false or believed it to be untrue at the time.
It was also alleged that in the year 2007, at the Police Headquarters in Banjul, Suso falsely informed the then IGP Benedict Jammeh and the then crime management co-ordinator Burama Dibba, that the Director of Prisons David Colley, had diverted a satellite disk bought by Ndey Conteh for the inmates at the Mile II Prison to his personal use, which information he knew to be false or believed it to be untrue at the time.
It was alleged further that in the year 2007 at Police Headquarters in Banjul the accused Musa Suso falsely informed the then IGP Benedict Jammeh and the then
The offence further stated that in the year 2007 at the Police Headquarters in Banjul, the accused Musa Suso falsely informed the then IGP Benedict Jammeh and the then