The permanent secretary at the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure, MOICI, Lamin Camara, on Wednesday May 21 handed over certificates to Chief Justice Ali Nawaz Chowhan, in connection with an e-Judiciary project, which started with building capacity for judiciary staff.
They have received training in the use of the Microsoft Office package at the GAMTEL Telecommunications Multi-media Institute, GTMI, which covered Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Mr. Camara called at his chambers of the Chief Justice in Banjul, and they discussed the way forward for further training of Judiciary personnel.
The objective is to have all staff, including the management and even judges trained.
MOICI in partnership with GTMI, and in collaboration of the Judiciary, has so trained 80 Judiciary personnel including nine judges.
In October 2013, the partners in the project embarked on implementing an E-Judiciary Project, starting with building capacity within the Judiciary.
The first training batch comprised 20 participants, who received training on the fundamentals, and 11 participants who received advanced training commenced in November 2013.
According to a news release from MOICI, a 2013 e-Readiness Assessment of the Gambia government indicated that ICT infrastructure in the Judiciary can be improved with MOICI support.
The training was conducted by GTMI, which provides training to Gambia government personnel.
The goal is to better equip them to perform their office duties in a more effective and efficient manner, using the technologies at their disposal in the work environment.
According to GTMI Director Mam Nderry Touray, the objective in this initiative is to support a more efficient government in line with MOICI’s ICT for Development (ICT4D) e-readiness initiative, as enshrined in the National Information and Communications Infrastructure Policy and the government’s Programme for Accelerated Growth and Employment, PAGE.