He is therefore in need of urgent overseas treatment, according to his medical report dated 20 November 2012.
According to Kambi’s medical report, he is suffering from exertional shortness of breath, lower limbs and swelling starting several months back with central chest pain.
Doctor’s examination result of Kambi’s respiratory system indicates normal vesicular breath sound with no added sounds while the examination of his cardiovascular system also indicates raised JVP, regular engorgement and hepatojogular reflux.
The PM1 is taping, 3cm lateral to the midsternal line in the 6th intercostals space, mid-diastolic murmur with space mid-diastolic murmur with presystolic accentuation in the mitral area, the cardiovascular system report stated.
The Echocardiograph report also indicates the following result; left auricle, 48mm, left ventricular, 69.2mm, intraventricular septal 14.4mm, posterior wall, 6.9mm, right ventricle 39mm and aorta 20mm respectively.
There is stenosis of the aorta, mild stenosis of the mitral valve, dilation of the left chambers and hypertrophy of the left ventricle. It also states that contractility of the myocardium is inadequate.
Salifu Kambi is calling on the general public, philanthropists, government and individuals to come to his aid to take care of ailment.
Salifu Kambi can be reached on 7209880, 9811226, 9916508 or via email: momodouceesay73@yahoo.co.