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Kress Moley, An Emerging Superstar

Sep 5, 2008, 6:45 AM | Article By: By Njie Baldeh

One of The Gambia's leading superstar male vocalists and top flight reggae artiste, Kress Moley is poised to take the music buying public by storm by releasing six singles entitled 'I am Black' and 'Love One Heart' among others. The Brikama-born music superstar in the making is currently busy in the studio putting the finishing touches to the said six singles which will comprise twelve tracks in one album in CD format. He noted that the album will hit the market very soon.

Kress Moley, who started in the music since at a tender age, is an emerging star endowed with a fluid voice. His music is exceptionally danceable and always contains meaningful and factual messages. Kress' songs tackle themes such as social vices, youth matters, Love and empowerment respectively. Some of the songs he has produced are presently enjoying prime airplay on local radio stations; prominent among them is Timpullo Redeem, released in 2007. Showing no sign of slowing down, Kress Moley is striving relentlessly to put the finishing touches to his twelve-track debut album. His tracks are expected to be a hot and tasty musical meal where it hit the music market.

In a chat with Entertainment, Kress Moley said that he has already completed recording all that songs in the album but he was quick to lament that due to inadequacy of funds, he could not release the album. "I need support financially in order to release the album that is still yet to hit the market. I am desperately soliciting help from public spirited individuals and music buffs to enable me to release the album," he said. According to him, if supported, he is ready to do his best for the country, adding that what he needs now is just financial support noting that it is his main constraint. In conclusion, he revealed that he is very grateful to Alfusainey Kanteh, a brother of his who plays Guitar for Yousou Ndour, for inspiring him to get into the music scene. He finally thanked his managers and promoters, especially Pa Jarju and Alex all at Lion Heart sound system for supporting him at all times.

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