Sixteen villages will be vying for the 2015 title, and the villages are divided into four groups of four villages each.
The draw for the tournament is as follows: group A comprises Nyofelleh, Gunjur, Tanji and Sanyang.
Group B consists of Kartong, Berending, the reining champions Sifoe and Pacholley.
Group C is made up of Jambanjelly, Banyaka, Gunjur Kunkujang and Tujereng.
Group D consists of Mamuda, Farato, Jambur and Batokunku.
The tournament is set to get under way on Saturday 16 May 2015, and first, second and third division players are not qualified to play in the 2015 tournament.
The chairperson of Kombo South District Sports Committee, Buba Bada Bojang, said the tournament is home and away, adding that any village that creates violence in its home games will play their remaining home games away from home.