Aid is helping under privilege clubs, teams and schools to help develop them in
the aspect of sports with the organisation’s donation of football jerseys to
eight schools and clubs.
Bah, co-director of Camp Africa explained during the presentation that it was a
big challenge to finance the shipment from overseas to The Gambia and called on
institutions to be helping them as the kits are free but the transportation
attracts cost.
Mboge, chied executive officer of Gambia Women Chamber of Commerce
women to be more engaged in sports, saying that women in the country should see
sports as business in which they can own and manage teams.
encouraged female who are already in the sporting business to apply for the
Gomez, Director of Kit Aid Gambia and Senegal said he got in contact with Kit
Aid some five years ago and since they, they have been donating full sets of
jerseys to clubs.
have been donating to schools, Nawettan teams, clubs and other groups that
correctly applied for them. We do not only give out football jerseys but also
in other sports such as cricket.
encouraged all teams/clubs that are interested to be supported to send their
request via email to gfg404@yahoo.com.
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