The youths of Kartong joint forces to build a road from Kartong to Kartaki Tenda.
Over 200 youths from Kartong constructed the road from the centre of Kartung to Kartaki Tenda, a village on the Senegalese border. The road was built with shells and covers a distance of about 1km.
Speaking to The Point after the completion of the work, the Chairman of Kartong VDC, Sheikh Omar SB Jabang, expressed his delight with the youths and the brilliant work that they have done. "I and my VDC members try to put a spirit of patriotism and love for the community in the minds of our youths. This is why they have done this work magnificently. I am really proud of them," he said happily.
For his part, the Alkalo of the village, Alhagie Demba Jabang, thanked the youths for their wonderful efforts and urged them to keep up the good work. He also thanked Mr. Franka, a French citizen residing in Kartong. The Frenchman provided the equipment such as wheelbarrows, rakes and spades and also the transport to the place of work.
The youths that worked on the road were pleased with themselves, as it will make life easier for people to travel between the villages. They also thanked Mr. Franka and said they couldn't have done it without him.
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