Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Aboubacarr Marie Tambedou, yesterday
met with the ambassadors of the United Kingdom and the United State of America,
as well as the European Union representative to discuss pertinent issues
concerning reforms and the justice system in The Gambia.
to this reporter after the closed door meeting with the foreign diplomats, the
Justice Minister said: “We discussed issues of mutual interest for the Justice
sector. I briefed them on the reform agenda of the Ministry of Justice.”
Tambedou said the overriding consideration was to restore public trust and
confidence in the justice system, and to implement reforms in the form of
constitutional reviews, institutional reforms and law reforms, as well as the
establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
briefed them about those matters, and what we need in terms of assistance in
order to be able to drive the reform agenda forward. That was the reason why we
met and I am very happy with their reactions to my suggestions and proposals
for law reform.”