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Judiciary on Three Year Strategy Planning

Jan 23, 2009, 5:32 AM | Article By: Modou Sanyang

A seminar on developing a three-year strategy for the Gambia judiciary was held yesterday at the Baobab Hotel in Bijilo. The seminar which enrolls participants who were selected from Judges, Magistrates and court officials is funded by the Legal Capacity Building Program Phase II (LCBP).

The objective of the seminar is to launch the development of the Judiciary's three-year plan, to review the legal sector vision statement and develop one for The Gambia, to review the Judiciary mission statement, to consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles that affect the Judiciary, to start to identify the key strategic issues of the Judiciary, to appoint a sub-group to progress the planning process and report to a future seminar.

Speaking at the day seminar, Denise Lurley project Manager LCBP, said the Legal Capacity Building Program is to strengthen the legal judiciary system for everybody to access quality of justice. She revealed that the seminar was to assess what the Judiciary would want and for the Judiciary to tell where they want to be and they would be the facilitators.

For his part, the Judicial Secretary Haruna Jaiteh, said last year the Judiciary was part of the government institution that presented a poverty reduction paper at a round table conference in UK. He added that the Judiciary was however facing some difficulties and the seminar was to present what they want the Judiciary to be and where they want the Judiciary to be, and that was why they came up with a strategic plan that would reflect where they want the Judiciary to be. He added that the court cases cannot be going on and on, but was a problem to measure how the court cases are going and to do that they need such strategic plan.

Mr Jaiteh further stated that the Department of Basic Education was one of the successful government institutions, and that was why they invited them to present their success story. He said their aim was to inform the public of the achievement of the Judiciary periodically.

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