These are “the project for the reinforcement of prevention and control of febrile illnesses,” and another project entitled: “Support to National Ebola Prevention and Preparedness in The Gambia.”
In 2014, the Ebola epidemic raged in West African countries and caused over eleven thousands of deaths.
Fortunately, The Gambia has been Ebola-free even though this Ebola crisis has caused serious damage to the Gambian economy, particularly to its tourism industry.
Japan brought assistance to West African countries, mainly Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, directly or through the United Nations, whose total amount was about USD184,000,000.
At the ceremony, Ambassador KITAHARA and Honourable Omar SEY, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, will sign a grant contract for “the project for the reinforcement of prevention and control of febrile illnesses”, of about USD95,000, to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to purchase three Japanese-made thermography equipment with the most advanced technology for Banjul International Airport, as one of gateways to the world.
This equipment will contribute to the prevention of the virus from entering the territory of The Gambia, and will also be effective to avoid the spread of the virus from The Gambia.
In the presence of Ms. Ade Mamonyane Lekoetje, resident representative of UNDP, the other ceremony is for launching the project entitled: “Support to National Ebola Prevention and Preparedness in The Gambia”, which is planned and implemented by the UNDP through Japanese financial contribution, which totals an amount of about USD1,600,000.
This project has already been launched in March 2015 for the purpose of complementing The Gambia’s National Ebola Virus Disease Plan through one year’s programme.
The principal objectives of this project are to ensure proper coordination of the preparedness and outbreak response activities at all levels, and to strengthen national capacities for Ebola prevention and preparedness among health workers at central and community levels.
The Government of Japan congratulates all the stakeholders of these two projects, and strongly expects that they will continue their maximum efforts to implement these projects for the benefit of people of the Gambian people.
Japan will continue its support to the efforts of the Gambia government in the area of Ebola preparedness and prevention.