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James Gomez False Information Case Resumes

Feb 4, 2009, 6:01 AM | Article By: Modou Sanyang

The criminal trial involving James Gomez, who was alleged of giving false information to Momodou Sanyang, Director General of GRTS, continued yesterday at the Banjul Magistrates' Court.

Testifying before Principal Magistrate Edrisse Mbai, the accused James Gomez told the court that on 16th November 2008 he was at his room when he wrote a letter to the president. He said after writing the letter he called three people whom he was close to and they are close to the president. He added that they are Alagie Ceesay chief of protocol, Modou Sering Njie state guard commander and Momodou Sanyang Director General of GRTS. He adduced that he informed Alagie Ceesay and Modou Sering Njie that he had a letter for the president and wanted them to deliver it to the president, but there was no response from them. He stated that he then called Momodou Sanyang and informed him that he had a letter he wanted him to deliver to the president. He went on to say that he went to Momodou Sanyang's compound to hand the letter over to him and Momodou Sanyang asked him whether the president was aware of the letter. He replied that the president knew that he was in town. He said he told Momodou Sanyang that he got directive from the Gambian Embassy in USA to come to The Gambia.

Mr Gomez further revealed that Momodou Sanyang asked why he did not type the letter and his response was that it was a letter of appointment and application which he normally did not type. He added that Momodou Sanyang told him he had to go through the protocol and replied that was why he did not seal the letter and he should open the letter for the chief of protocol to read.

He said on 17th November 2008, he called Momodou Sanyang who told him that he was on a meeting but he was heading to Banjul to deliver the letter. He said he called Momodou Sanyang later in the day who told him that he was waiting for the announcement and as soon as he got the announcement he would deliver the letter, adding that he told Momodou Sanyang that, if he was granted the permission he can hand over the letter hand in hand. He further informed the court that he called to confirm whether he had deliver the letter and Momodou Sanyang replied in the affirmative, adding Momodou Sanyang told him that he had a P.A system that gave him a problem and he wanted him to look at it. He said he later received a call from Momodou Sanyang and he told Mr Sanyang to meet him where he was, but Mr Sanyang told him he was at the gate. He disclosed that he went to the gate where he met a man who produced his card and identified himself as the Inspector General of Police and later asked him to go with him. He said he followed the instruction and was taken to a mini office by

Senegambia Highway
. He said there the man who identified himself as the IGP produced a letter and asked him whether he was the one who wrote the letter to the president and he replied in the affirmative. He revealed that the man who identified himself as the IGP instructed the military uniform men and the plain cloths to take him to Kairaba Police Station where he was detained and made a report to that effect. He said he spent the night in a cell and was escorted to Banjul Police Station where he was detained for two nights before being taken to court. He said he knew Momodou Sanyang since December 2006 and he had a good rapport with him. He added that Momodou Sanyang wanted to hire him as audio technical adviser, adding that he was being interviewed and later they realised that he was way above what they would have been looking for and was advised to join the board to contribute his input at GRTS management. He said he had never told Momodou Sanyang prior to handing over the letter to him that he had spoken to the president, and also he never told Momodou Sanyang that the president was expecting the letter from him.

He finally informed the court that he had never been convicted of an offence, nor had he any cause to be summoned to the police station.

Hearing continues.
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