will probably agree with me that the police force in The Gambia has never had a
good public rating for a number of reasons and I will not be here to either
conclude or judge on that but will want to express and ink what I saw with my
12th July 2017, while on my way to work on the Senegambia Highway and
intermittently looking at my mirror to see whether there was a traffic sweep
from rear either the 6 vehicle convoy of the Chief of defense Staff (CDS) or a
3 vehicle convoy of the Vice president, I saw a GPF 1 HQ in front of me slowly
moving with the traffic.
vehicle never had his hazard light “double signal” on, none of his lights were
on, no horn or no sweeper. This vehicle was following the traffic as all other
road users. Stopping at traffic stops either by the police, a U turn of a taxi
driver of a normal traffic stop. Motorist knew how this vehicle plied the road
before for 22 years.
we arrived at the Kairaba and Kotu intersection popularly called “traffic
light”, this vehicle was in the queue like other motorist waiting to be given
access to pass. The junior police at the other side identified the said vehicle
and even signaled his colleague to allow access to the IGP 1 HQ but he refused
the temptation to violate traffic and refused to move. He waited until his lane
was cleared before moving.
could not believe what I saw and has to move fast to “overtake” his car to
actually confirm that it was the new Inspector General of Police by stopping
his car and saw him with my own eyes inside the car.
initial thought was that the car was carrying the children to school but I did
not see any student in the car.
I ask these question; Which police officer would have stopped him if he had
decided to put on his “Double signal” and siren at the same time whilst moving
at neck breaking speed? Which police officer would not have given him access at
any traffic intersection?
officer (IGP) refused all the temptations from driver, orderly or the public
norm and swiftly moved like any other motorist. He approached the “zebra
crossing” his vehicle stopped to allow students passed before moving towards
I followed his vehicle up to Banjul just to see
whether the ego of “ why not , You are The Boss” will be exhibited at any point
but no this officer maneuvered quietly until he reached the police headquarters
in Banjul.
I entered my office and told colleagues what I saw, all reactions to this fine
gentleman was positive. I equally got the same when I went to the “Picton
Garage” and was talking to the drivers there. IGP keep it up. You are an
inspiration. Gambian have started to notice you among the lot.
lessons for all of us;
you have to wait until 05 minutes before your takeoff time to the airport to
sweep traffic to allow you pass before you miss your flight?
you have to wait until 08.00hrs to sweep traffic to your office?
you need 3,4,5 or 6 vehicles to escort you to work?
you need to inconvenient others because you are disorganized with time?
the Gambia people not know that you are X, Y or Z if you don’t inconvenient others
in the traffic?
you are fired as (Nasiru Deen will always do) will you use that fleet of
vehicles to travel to Banjul?
the answer to all the questions above is no , I will wish to remind you that
the only time you need a fleet of cars and probably a siren and a sweeper is
when we are escorting you to the first compound in Jeshwang on the right to
am sure you don’t want that to come early, then don’t remind the “ MALAKAS”
that you are here and they should not forget you as your time is up.
for the space