Mr. Halifa Sallah, an acclaimed Sociologist and Director of People's Centre for Social Science, Research, Civic Awareness and Community Initiatives yesterday launched a book entitled "Treatise on Founding a Federation of African Republics."
Launched at the Paradise Suites Hotel, the book takes a discursive approach in guiding the reader through the history of the continent and helps to gauge Africa's position in the world at different phases in history.
Having been already launched in the United Kingdom and Sweden, the book is considered both as an encyclopaedia on Pan Africanism and a handbook on African Unity, Democracy and Development.
Authored by Halifa Sallah, the book, which seeks to tackle the issue of Africa's redemption from complex situations, among others, has been subjected to thorough scrutiny both within the country and abroad.
The launching took a discursive approach with the invitees using the opportunity to reflect on the content of the book while the launching statement was delivered by the author, Halifa Sallah.
In his launching statement, Mr Sallah noted that if a new Africa is to be built, Africans must know who they are, where they come from and where they are heading to.
Mr Sallah expounded the view that Africa has a contract with destiny and that it is under an obligation to honour its part of the contract. "We must either fulfil that contract and be the architects of our own destiny or we breach the contract or become the victims of blind destiny."
He said that the current generation has the responsibility to build a better society for the benefit of posterity. "This is our duty and this is why we are here," he asserted.