The 2011-2012 groundnut marketing season has just been announced.
The Agribusiness Services and Producers Association (ASPA) pegged the farm-gate groundnut producer price for the 2011-2012 groundnut marketing season at D10, 250 per metric tonne.
The price is relatively better compared to last year, and we hope it would serve as a motivating factor for farmers.
This year’s trade season was supposed to start on Monday 5th December 2011 and close on 15th March 2012.
Groundnut being a major cash crop in the country, is grown almost in all regions of the country, and its marketing is essential.
This is the time of the year when most farmers anticipate to have cash, and we therefore urge the prospective buyers to live up to farmers’ expectations.
Our poor farmers use the meager resources from the sales of the nuts to pay for their children’s school fees, feed the family, provide health care for members of the family, clothe them, etc.
We, therefore, urge the prospective buyers to avoid credit buying, since it is not healthy for the farmers.
Early payment of farmers for their produce would reduce the tendency of them selling the nuts in neighboring countries.
Credit buying discourages farmers, wastes their time and thus delays their transactions.
Consequently, credit buying should be discouraged, at all cost!