to the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus (covid-19) worldwide, the management
of The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) has taken a giant step in its bid to
support taxpayers in the country.
a press release, the authority wishes to inform the general public and its
esteemed taxpayers in particular that, the Authority is doing all it can to
support government in the fight against the spread of the deadly virus.
the authority has downsized its workforce and is reducing the need for direct
contact with taxpayers and among staff during these difficult times.
that end, the Authority has extended the deadline for the filing of the 2019
annual tax return and the payment of final 2019 tax for two months.
returns and payments, the release went on, were due by March 31, 2020, adding
that it has now been extended to May 31, 2020.
authority has extended the deadline for the filing of the first quarter 2020
declaration and the payment of the first quarter installment for two months.
These declarations and payments are due by April 15, 2020. It has now been extended to June 15,
2020. It has also suspended all field
compliance enforcement activities.
However, limited follow-ups on overdue tax arrears will continue”.
Authority has also suspended all field taxpayer audits. However, limited desk audits and reviews will
contacted by GRA’s tax auditors for information and or clarification, are
therefore urged to cooperate. Taxpayers wishing to file tax
returns/declarations through e-mail can forward such returns/declarations to
khaddycamara23@gmail.com and copy chamfafanding@hotmail.com and
mamharrceesay@yahoo.com. GRA will introduce drop boxes in all tax offices for
taxpayers who choose to file physical tax returns/declarations to do so without
having direct contact with staff and complying with the recommended social
distancing”, the release further states.
it is worth noting again that these are difficult times and thus the slowdown
in mobility and economic activity will seriously affect businesses.
will at the same time increase the burden on government to provide social
services to the general public, especially the most vulnerable groups. Therefore, GRA is appealing to taxpayers who are
able to file and pay their taxes on time, despite the challenges, to do so to
help support government at these difficult times.” The released concludes.