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Gov’t Denies Airport closure

Jan 6, 2017, 10:17 AM

It has come to the attention of the Government of the Gambia that a fake news concocted by a Gambian opposition news site in the United States reported that the Government of the Gambia intends to shut down Banjul International Airport from 10th January 2017.

This false news being picked up by other online information outlets, was shared and gone viral. This has led to expression of anxiety from airline passengers intending to fly in and out of The Gambia from the quoted date.

The Government of the Gambia clarifies that this information is a complete fabrication, and that the government has not issued any such directive. All passengers intending to use Banjul International Airport are hereby being reassured that the airport remains open and will remain open for business as usual.

This fake news like so many issued from the time of pre-election are part of a campaign of misinformation and disinformation being orchestrated by enemies of the Gambian state, in their unholy objective of fomenting confusion and civil strife among the peace-loving and Allah-fearing Gambian populace.

The Government of The Gambia hereby urges people to disregard these fake news being routinely circulated about the country.

Allah willing, The Gambia remains and will remain a stable and peaceful state for all its citizen and residents.

Source: Gov’t press release

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